# Copyright (C) 2018 zion-builder # This file is distributed under the same license as the zion-builder package. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: zion-builder\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language-Team: Hogash\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://my.hogash.com/support/\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_x:1,2c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: inc/ZionElementsManager.php:77 msgid "The element must derive from the ZionElement class" msgstr "" #: inc/ZionPageBuilderFrontend.php:362 msgid "Edit smart area with pagebuilder" msgstr "" #: inc/ZionPageBuilderFrontend.php:527 msgid "Clear Zion Cache" msgstr "" #: inc/ZionPageBuilderFrontend.php:544 msgid "View page" msgstr "" #: inc/ZionPageBuilderFrontend.php:552 msgid "Edit with page builder" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/ZionPageBuilderAdmin.php:34 msgid "You don't have permission to edit this page!" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/ZionPageBuilderAdmin.php:57 msgid "Edit with Zion builder" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/ZionPageBuilderAdmin.php:81 msgid "Enable Zion builder" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/ZionPageBuilderAdmin.php:82 msgid "Disable Zion builder" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:123 msgid "You can use this css selector to customize this element" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:123 msgid "CSS selector:" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:360 msgid "Element name" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:361 msgid "Enter a name for this saved element. Please note that the name must be unique!" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:365 msgid "My awesome element" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:373 msgid "Something went wrong. Please try again" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:379 msgid "Save element" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:380 msgid "Export element" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:433 msgid "Element successfully saved." msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:436 msgid "There was a problem saving the element." msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:480 msgid "Template successfully saved." msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:483 msgid "There was a problem saving the template." msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:510 msgid "Template deleted successfully" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/class-page-builder-ajax.php:514 msgid "There was a problem. The template was not deleted" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:90 msgid "Custom css" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:94 msgid "Custom CSS" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:95 msgid "Use this field to add your own custom css that will be applied to the current page." msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:107 msgid "Custom JS" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:108 msgid "Use this field to add your own custom javascript code that will be applied to the current page." msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:131 msgid "Element display?" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:132 msgid "Using this option you can show/hide the element for different type of visitors." msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:137 msgid "Show for all" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:138 msgid "Show only for logged in users" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:139 msgid "Show only for visitors ( not logged in )" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:156 msgid "Hide element on breakpoints" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:157 msgid "Choose to hide the element on either desktop, mobile or tablets. Please know that elements will not be hidden in Page builder edit mode, only normal View mode." msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:163, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:463 msgid "Large" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:164, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:464 msgid "Medium" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:165, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:465 msgid "Small" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:166 msgid "Extra Small" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:469 msgid "This element is hidden!" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:557 msgid "All elements" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:561, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:342 msgid "Full width" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:565 msgid "Layouts" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:569, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:108 msgid "Content" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:573 msgid "Single elements" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:577, inc/modules/image/image.php:127 msgid "Media" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:581 msgid "Headers" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:585 msgid "Widgets" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:614 msgid "Clear" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:615, inc/modules/button/button.php:269, inc/modules/column/column.php:27, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:443, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:462, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:260, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:274, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:288, inc/modules/image/image.php:83, inc/modules/image/image.php:97, inc/modules/image/image.php:111, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:126, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:140, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:154 msgid "Default" msgstr "" #: inc/editor/ZionEditor.php:616 msgid "Select Color" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:373 msgid "Please define default parameters in the form of an array." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:378 msgid "Please define an SVG icon filename." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:721 msgid "PLAY VIDEO" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:854 msgid "Appear animation" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:855 msgid "Select the appear animation for this element when it comes into the viewport" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:873 msgid "Animation Duration" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:874 msgid "Select the type of duration." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:879 msgid "Fast (500ms)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:880 msgid "Normal (1000ms)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:881 msgid "Slow (2000ms)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:885 msgid "Animation Delay" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:886 msgid "Enter the number of milliseconds the animation is delayed after the element comes into the viewport. Please note that some elements can contain multiple elements that will animate progressively based on this value." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:967 msgid "Edit element padding & margins for each device breakpoint. " msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:968 msgid "This will enable you to have more control over the padding of the element on each device. Click to see how box-model works." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:974, inc/modules/column/column.php:68, inc/modules/column/column.php:279, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:58, inc/modules/section/section.php:193, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:134 msgid "LARGE" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:975, inc/modules/column/column.php:69, inc/modules/column/column.php:280, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:59, inc/modules/section/section.php:194, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:135 msgid "MEDIUM" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:976, inc/modules/column/column.php:70, inc/modules/column/column.php:281, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:60, inc/modules/section/section.php:195, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:136 msgid "SMALL" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:977, inc/modules/column/column.php:71, inc/modules/column/column.php:282, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:61, inc/modules/section/section.php:196, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:137 msgid "EXTRA SMALL" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:987, inc/modules/column/column.php:289, inc/modules/section/section.php:203, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:144 msgid "Margin (Large Breakpoints)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:988 msgid "Select the margin (in percent % or px) for this element. Accepts negative margin." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1002, inc/modules/column/column.php:303, inc/modules/section/section.php:218, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:158 msgid "Margin (Medium Breakpoints)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1003, inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1012, inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1021 msgid "Select the margin (in percent % or px) for this element." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1011, inc/modules/column/column.php:312, inc/modules/section/section.php:228, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:167 msgid "Margin (Small Breakpoints)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1020, inc/modules/column/column.php:321, inc/modules/section/section.php:238, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:176 msgid "Margin (Extra Small Breakpoints)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1034, inc/modules/column/column.php:331, inc/modules/section/section.php:249, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:186 msgid "Padding (Large Breakpoints)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1035, inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1051, inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1061, inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1071 msgid "Select the padding (in percent % or px) for this element." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1050, inc/modules/column/column.php:346, inc/modules/section/section.php:264, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:201 msgid "Padding (Medium Breakpoints)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1060, inc/modules/column/column.php:356, inc/modules/section/section.php:274, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:211 msgid "Padding (Small Breakpoints)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-frontend.php:1070, inc/modules/column/column.php:366, inc/modules/section/section.php:284, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:221 msgid "Padding (Extra Small Breakpoints)" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:14 msgid "Video Tutorial" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:15 msgid "Click here to access video tutorial for this element." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:26 msgid "Written Documentation" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:27 msgid "Click here to access documentation for this element." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:37 msgid "Click to copy ID to clipboard" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:38 msgid "Unique ID:" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:39 msgid "In case you need some custom styling use as a css class selector" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:40 msgid "Click to copy CSS class to clipboard" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:74 msgid "Support Dashboard" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:74 msgid "Kallyas Video Tutorials & Documentation" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:74 msgid "Rate Kallyas" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:86 msgid "Written Documentation:" msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:86 msgid "Click here to access documentation for this options section." msgstr "" #: inc/helpers/helpers-help.php:101 msgid "Video Tutorials:" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:57 msgid "Page Builder Smart Areas" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:58, inc/modules/smart_area/smart_area.php:78 msgid "Page Builder Smart Area" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:59 msgid "Add New" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:60 msgid "Add New Page Builder Smart Area" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:61 msgid "Edit Page Builder Smart Area" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:62 msgid "New Page Builder Smart Area" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:63 msgid "View Page Builder Smart Area" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:64 msgid "Search Page Builder Smart Areas" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:65 msgid "No Page Builder Smart Areas found" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:66 msgid "No Page Builder Smart Areas found in Trash" msgstr "" #: inc/smart_areas/ZionSmartArea.php:101 msgid "Page builder Smart Areas are predefined blocks of page builder elements you can insert in your website's pages, globally or per page. Read more." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:13 msgid "Accordions" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:14 msgid "Here you can create your desired accordions." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:23 msgid "Title" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:24 msgid "Please enter a title for this accordion." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:30 msgid "Expanded?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:31 msgid "Select yes if you want this panel to be expanded on page load." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:35, inc/modules/column/column.php:523, inc/modules/column/column.php:537, inc/modules/column/column.php:550, inc/modules/column/column.php:563, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:170, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:260, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:273, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:547, inc/modules/section/section.php:358, inc/modules/section/section.php:455, inc/modules/section/section.php:469, inc/modules/section/section.php:482, inc/modules/section/section.php:495, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:178, inc/modules/video/video.php:93, inc/modules/video/video.php:107, inc/modules/video/video.php:121, inc/modules/video/video.php:138, inc/modules/video/video.php:152, inc/modules/video/video.php:165, inc/modules/video/video.php:178, inc/modules/video/video.php:195, inc/modules/video/video.php:208, inc/modules/video/video.php:221 msgid "Yes" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:36, inc/modules/column/column.php:524, inc/modules/column/column.php:538, inc/modules/column/column.php:551, inc/modules/column/column.php:564, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:170, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:261, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:274, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:547, inc/modules/section/section.php:359, inc/modules/section/section.php:456, inc/modules/section/section.php:470, inc/modules/section/section.php:483, inc/modules/section/section.php:496, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:179, inc/modules/video/video.php:94, inc/modules/video/video.php:108, inc/modules/video/video.php:122, inc/modules/video/video.php:139, inc/modules/video/video.php:153, inc/modules/video/video.php:166, inc/modules/video/video.php:179, inc/modules/video/video.php:196, inc/modules/video/video.php:209, inc/modules/video/video.php:222 msgid "No" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:53 msgid "Collapse Behavior" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:54 msgid "Select the behavior of the collapsible panels. Upon click, Accordion Functionality will close other panels, while toggle just opens/closes the current clicked panel." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:58 msgid "Toggle" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:59, inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:224 msgid "Accordion" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:66, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:79 msgid "Element Color Scheme" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:67, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:80 msgid "Select the color scheme of this element" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:71, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:84 msgid "Light (default)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:72, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:85 msgid "Dark" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/accordion/accordion.php:225 msgid "This element will generate an accordion collapsible element." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/anchor_point/anchor_point.php:13, inc/modules/custom_html/custom_html.php:41, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:12, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:17, inc/modules/section/section.php:14, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:12, inc/modules/sidebar/sidebar.php:62, inc/modules/smart_area/smart_area.php:23, inc/modules/spacer/spacer.php:17, inc/modules/video/video.php:17, inc/modules/widget/widget.php:12 msgid "General options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/anchor_point/anchor_point.php:19 msgid "Please enter an id for this anchor point. You can use this #id for an anchor href." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/anchor_point/anchor_point.php:67 msgid "Anchor Point" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/anchor_point/anchor_point.php:68 msgid "This element will generate an empty element with an unique ID that can be used as an achor point." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:19 msgid "CONTENT" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:24, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:210 msgid "Text" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:25 msgid "Text inside the button" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:32 msgid "Link" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:33 msgid "Attach a link to the button" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:38, inc/modules/button/button.php:401, inc/modules/button/button.php:417 msgid "Click me" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:52 msgid "Style" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:53, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:425 msgid "Select a style for the button" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:66, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:475 msgid "Button text Options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:67, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:476 msgid "Specify the typography properties for the button." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:80, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:488 msgid "Button Corners" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:81, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:489 msgid "Select the button corners type for this button" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:86, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:494 msgid "Smooth rounded corner" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:87, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:495 msgid "Round corners" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:88, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:496 msgid "Square corners" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:97, inc/modules/column/column.php:629, inc/modules/image/image.php:171, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:39 msgid "Border Type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:98, inc/modules/column/column.php:630, inc/modules/image/image.php:172, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:40 msgid "Select the border type for this button." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:103, inc/modules/column/column.php:414, inc/modules/column/column.php:635, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:383, inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:87, inc/modules/image/image.php:126, inc/modules/image/image.php:177, inc/modules/section/section.php:332, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:45 msgid "None" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:104, inc/modules/column/column.php:636, inc/modules/image/image.php:178, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:46 msgid "Solid" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:105, inc/modules/column/column.php:579, inc/modules/column/column.php:637, inc/modules/image/image.php:179, inc/modules/section/section.php:511, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:47 msgid "Dotted" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:106, inc/modules/column/column.php:638, inc/modules/image/image.php:180, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:48 msgid "Dashed" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:107, inc/modules/column/column.php:639, inc/modules/image/image.php:181, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:49 msgid "Double" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:119, inc/modules/column/column.php:651, inc/modules/image/image.php:193, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:61 msgid "Border Width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:120, inc/modules/column/column.php:652, inc/modules/image/image.php:194, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:62 msgid "Choose a border width." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:154 msgid "Background-Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:155 msgid "Select button custom color." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:170 msgid "Background-Color HOVER" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:171 msgid "Select button custom color on hover. If not specified, the normal state color will be used with a 20% color adjustment in brightness." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:208 msgid "Text-Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:209 msgid "Select button custom text color." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:223 msgid "Text-Color HOVER" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:224 msgid "Select button custom text color on hover. If not specified, the normal state color will be used with a 20% color adjustment in brightness." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:232, inc/modules/column/column.php:666, inc/modules/image/image.php:208, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:76 msgid "Border-Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:233, inc/modules/column/column.php:667, inc/modules/image/image.php:209, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:77 msgid "Select button custom border color." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:248, inc/modules/image/image.php:224 msgid "Border-Color HOVER" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:249, inc/modules/image/image.php:225 msgid "Select button custom border color on hover. If not specified, the normal state color will be used with a 20% color adjustment in brightness." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:263, inc/modules/section/section.php:19 msgid "Width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:264, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:438, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:457 msgid "Select a size for the button" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:270, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:444 msgid "Full width (100%)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:271, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:445 msgid "Half width (50%)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:272, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:446 msgid "One-Third width (33%)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:273, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:447 msgid "One-forth width (25%)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:282, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:216, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:224, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:235, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:38, inc/modules/image/image.php:47, inc/modules/image/image.php:58, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:101 msgid "Alignment" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:283 msgid "Please select the alignment of the button." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:287, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:65 msgid "Left (default)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:288, inc/modules/column/column.php:230, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:513, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:243, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:263, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:277, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:291, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:46, inc/modules/image/image.php:66, inc/modules/image/image.php:86, inc/modules/image/image.php:100, inc/modules/image/image.php:114, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:109, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:129, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:143, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:157, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:67 msgid "Right" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:289, inc/modules/column/column.php:229, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:512, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:242, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:262, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:276, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:290, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:45, inc/modules/image/image.php:65, inc/modules/image/image.php:85, inc/modules/image/image.php:99, inc/modules/image/image.php:113, inc/modules/section/section.php:706, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:108, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:128, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:142, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:156, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:66 msgid "Center" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:307 msgid "Icon position" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:308 msgid "Select the position of the icon" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:313 msgid "Before text" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:314 msgid "After text" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:319, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:126 msgid "Select icon" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:320 msgid "Select an icon to add to the button" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:329 msgid "Icon size." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:330 msgid "Change the icon's size." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:342 msgid "Button icon distance." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:343 msgid "Change the default distance from the icon vs text." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:545 msgid "Button" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/button/button.php:546 msgid "Create a button." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:9 msgid "No offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:10 msgid "0 - Reset Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:11 msgid "1 Column Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:12 msgid "2 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:13 msgid "3 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:14 msgid "4 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:15 msgid "5 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:16 msgid "6 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:17 msgid "7 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:18 msgid "8 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:19 msgid "9 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:20 msgid "10 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:21 msgid "11 Columns Offset" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:61 msgid "Edit Settings for each device breakpoint" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:62 msgid "This will enable you to have more control over the settings of this column on each device." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:79 msgid "Column Offset - Desktops" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:80 msgid "Here you can define an offset for this column " msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:93 msgid "Column Offset - Laptops / large tablets" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:94, inc/modules/column/column.php:107 msgid "Here you can define an offset for this column" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:106 msgid "Column offset - Tablets" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:120 msgid "Column Offset - SmartPhones" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:121 msgid "Here you can define an offset for this column. Usually not used at all." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:131 msgid "Column Size on Desktops" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:132 msgid "In View Mode only!
Select a size for this column on large devices, for example Desktops with a resolution bigger than 1200px." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:141 msgid "Column Size on Tablets" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:142 msgid "Select a size for this column on small devices( >= 768px )" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:150 msgid "Columns Size on Smartphones" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:151 msgid "Select a size for this column on extra small devices( <768px )" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:165 msgid "Inner Height" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:166 msgid "Choose the desired height for this column. If you want to reset the height, simply leave the input blank." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:185 msgid "Inner Width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:186 msgid "Choose the desired INNER width for this column. If you want to change the column's size, go to the 1st tab - general options." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:205 msgid "Vertical Align - Inner Content" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:206, inc/modules/section/section.php:137 msgid "Choose how to vertically align content." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:223 msgid "Horizontal Align - Inner Content" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:224 msgid "Choose how to horizontally align content." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:228, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:511, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:241, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:261, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:275, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:289, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:44, inc/modules/image/image.php:64, inc/modules/image/image.php:84, inc/modules/image/image.php:98, inc/modules/image/image.php:112, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:107, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:127, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:141, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:155 msgid "Left" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:242 msgid "Select the z-index of this column element." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:272, inc/modules/section/section.php:186, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:127 msgid "Edit padding & margins for each device breakpoint" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:273 msgid "This will enable you to have more control over the padding of the container on each device. Click to see how box-model works." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:290, inc/modules/section/section.php:204, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:145 msgid "Select the margin (in percent % or px) for this container. Accepts negative margin." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:304, inc/modules/column/column.php:313, inc/modules/column/column.php:322, inc/modules/section/section.php:219, inc/modules/section/section.php:229, inc/modules/section/section.php:239, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:159, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:168, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:177 msgid "Select the margin (in percent % or px) for this container." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:332, inc/modules/column/column.php:347, inc/modules/column/column.php:357, inc/modules/column/column.php:367, inc/modules/section/section.php:250, inc/modules/section/section.php:265, inc/modules/section/section.php:275, inc/modules/section/section.php:285, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:187, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:202, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:212, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:222 msgid "Select the padding (in percent % or px) for this container." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:385, inc/modules/section/section.php:303 msgid "Background & Color Options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:386, inc/modules/section/section.php:304 msgid "These are options to customize the background and colors for this section." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:393 msgid "Inner Background color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:394, inc/modules/section/section.php:312 msgid "Here you can override the background color for this section." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:408, inc/modules/section/section.php:326 msgid "Background Media" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:409, inc/modules/section/section.php:327 msgid "Please select the source type of the background." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:415, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:175, inc/modules/image/image.php:21, inc/modules/image/image.php:555, inc/modules/section/section.php:333 msgid "Image" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:416, inc/modules/section/section.php:334 msgid "Youtube Video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:417, inc/modules/section/section.php:335 msgid "Vimeo Video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:418, inc/modules/section/section.php:336 msgid "Self Hosted Video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:419, inc/modules/section/section.php:337 msgid "Embed Iframe (Vimeo etc.)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:425, inc/modules/section/section.php:343 msgid "Background Image" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:426, inc/modules/section/section.php:344, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:32 msgid "Please choose a background image for this section." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:435, inc/modules/section/section.php:367 msgid "Youtube URL" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:436, inc/modules/section/section.php:368 msgid "Add an Youtube URL" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:446, inc/modules/section/section.php:378 msgid "Vimeo URL" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:447, inc/modules/section/section.php:379 msgid "Add an Vimeo URL" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:458, inc/modules/section/section.php:390 msgid "Embed Video Iframe (URL)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:459, inc/modules/section/section.php:391 msgid "Add the full URL for Youtube, Vimeo or DailyMotion. Please remember these videos will not be autoplayed on mobile devices." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:471, inc/modules/section/section.php:403, inc/modules/video/video.php:48 msgid "Mp4 video source" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:472, inc/modules/section/section.php:404, inc/modules/video/video.php:49 msgid "Add the MP4 video source for your local video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:477, inc/modules/section/section.php:409, inc/modules/video/video.php:55 msgid "Add / Change mp4 video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:483, inc/modules/section/section.php:415, inc/modules/video/video.php:62 msgid "Ogg/Ogv video source" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:484, inc/modules/section/section.php:416, inc/modules/video/video.php:63 msgid "Add the OGG video source for your local video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:489, inc/modules/section/section.php:421, inc/modules/video/video.php:68 msgid "Add / Change ogg video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:495, inc/modules/section/section.php:427, inc/modules/video/video.php:75 msgid "Webm video source" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:496, inc/modules/section/section.php:428, inc/modules/video/video.php:76 msgid "Add the WEBM video source for your local video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:501, inc/modules/section/section.php:433, inc/modules/video/video.php:81 msgid "Add / Change webm video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:507, inc/modules/section/section.php:439 msgid "Video poster / Fallback Image" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:508, inc/modules/section/section.php:440 msgid "Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices (mobiles, tablets). " msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:517, inc/modules/section/section.php:449 msgid "Display Play button on Mobiles?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:518, inc/modules/section/section.php:450 msgid "By default videos are not displayed in the background on mobile devices. It's too problematic and instead, we added a button trigger which will open the video into a modal." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:531, inc/modules/section/section.php:463, inc/modules/video/video.php:88 msgid "Autoplay video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:532, inc/modules/section/section.php:464 msgid "Enable autoplay for video? Remember, this option only applies on desktop devices, not mobiles or tablets." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:544, inc/modules/section/section.php:476, inc/modules/video/video.php:102 msgid "Loop video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:545, inc/modules/section/section.php:477 msgid "Enable looping the video? Remember, this option only applies on desktop devices, not mobiles or tablets." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:557, inc/modules/section/section.php:489 msgid "Start mute?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:558, inc/modules/section/section.php:490 msgid "Start the video with muted audio?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:571, inc/modules/section/section.php:503 msgid "Video Overlay?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:572, inc/modules/section/section.php:504 msgid "Choose a video Overlay" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:577, inc/modules/column/column.php:592, inc/modules/section/section.php:509, inc/modules/section/section.php:524, inc/modules/section/section.php:740 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:578, inc/modules/section/section.php:510 msgid "Diagonal Stripes" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:580, inc/modules/section/section.php:512 msgid "Subtle Gradient" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:587, inc/modules/section/section.php:519 msgid "Background Overlay" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:588, inc/modules/section/section.php:520 msgid "You can overlay the default background (color or media). Useful when you want to darken or lighten the background." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:593, inc/modules/section/section.php:525 msgid "Normal color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:594, inc/modules/section/section.php:526 msgid "Horizontal gradient" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:595, inc/modules/section/section.php:527 msgid "Vertical gradient" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:596, inc/modules/section/section.php:528 msgid "Custom CSS generated gradient" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:602, inc/modules/section/section.php:534 msgid "Overlay Background Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:603, inc/modules/column/column.php:613, inc/modules/section/section.php:535, inc/modules/section/section.php:545 msgid "Pick a color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:612, inc/modules/section/section.php:544 msgid "Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:621, inc/modules/section/section.php:553 msgid "Custom CSS Gradient Overlay" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:622 msgid "You can use a tool such as %s to generate a unique custom gradient. Here is a quick video explainer %s how to generate and paste the code here" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:683 msgid "Corner radius" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:684 msgid "Select a corner radius (in pixels) for this column." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:738, inc/modules/image/image.php:345, inc/modules/section/section.php:777 msgid "No Easing" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:739, inc/modules/image/image.php:346, inc/modules/section/section.php:778 msgid "Ease Out Linear" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:740, inc/modules/image/image.php:347, inc/modules/section/section.php:779 msgid "Ease Out Quad" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:741, inc/modules/image/image.php:348, inc/modules/section/section.php:780 msgid "Ease Out Cubic" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:742, inc/modules/image/image.php:349, inc/modules/section/section.php:781 msgid "Ease Out Quart" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:743, inc/modules/image/image.php:350, inc/modules/section/section.php:782 msgid "Ease Out Quint" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:760, inc/modules/section/section.php:625 msgid "Overflow Hidden" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:761, inc/modules/section/section.php:626 msgid "Select if you want to set overflow hidden for this section" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:971 msgid "Column" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/column/column.php:972 msgid "This element will generate a column in which you can add elements" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:33 msgid "-- Default (English) --" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:34 msgid "Afrikaans" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:35 msgid "Algerian Arabic" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:36 msgid "Arabic" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:37 msgid "Azerbaijani" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:38 msgid "Belarusian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:39 msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:40 msgid "Bosnian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:41 msgid "Català" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:42 msgid "Czech" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:43 msgid "Welsh/UK" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:44 msgid "Danish" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:45 msgid "German" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:46 msgid "Greek" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:47 msgid "English/Australia" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:48 msgid "English/UK" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:49 msgid "English/New Zealand" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:50 msgid "Esperanto" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:51 msgid "Español" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:52 msgid "Estonian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:53 msgid "Basque" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:54 msgid "Persian (Farsi)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:55 msgid "Finnish" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:56 msgid "Faroese" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:57 msgid "Canadian-French" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:58 msgid "Swiss-French" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:59 msgid "French" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:60 msgid "Galician" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:61 msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:62 msgid "Hindi" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:63 msgid "Croatian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:64 msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:65 msgid "Armenian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:66 msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:67 msgid "Icelandic" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:68 msgid "Italian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:69 msgid "Japanese" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:70 msgid "Georgian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:71 msgid "Kazakh" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:72 msgid "Khmer" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:73 msgid "Korean" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:74 msgid "Kyrgyz" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:75 msgid "Luxembourgish" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:76 msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:77 msgid "Latvian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:78 msgid "Macedonian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:79 msgid "Malayalam" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:80 msgid "Malaysian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:81 msgid "Norwegian Bokmål" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:82 msgid "Dutch (Belgium)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:83 msgid "Dutch" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:84 msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:85 msgid "Norwegian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:86 msgid "Polish" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:87 msgid "Brazilian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:88 msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:89 msgid "Romansh" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:90 msgid "Romanian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:91 msgid "Russian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:92 msgid "Slovak" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:93 msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:94 msgid "Albanian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:95 msgid "Serbian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:96 msgid "Serbian 2" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:97 msgid "Swedish" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:98 msgid "Tamil" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:99 msgid "Thai" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:100 msgid "Tajiki" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:101 msgid "Turkish" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:102 msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:103 msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:104 msgid "Chinese" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:105 msgid "Chinese 2" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:106 msgid "Chinese 3" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:120 msgid "Recepient(s) email address" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:121 msgid "Please enter the email address where you want the form submissions to be sent. Note that you can enter multiple recipients separated by comma(,)." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:129 msgid "From (Email Sender)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:130 msgid "It's highly recommended to use an email containing this domain name. It may not work otherwise for some hostings.

The 'Reply-To' address is the field you validate as 'Value is Email' eg: http://hogash.d.pr/3OVS ." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:140 msgid "Email subject text" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:141 msgid "Please enter your desired text that will appear as the subject of the received email. Note that you can dynamically set the value of this field by specifying the dynamic field in the fields list." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:142, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1169 msgid "New form submission" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:148 msgid "Mail sent message" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:149 msgid "Please enter your desired text that will appear after the form is successfully sent" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:150 msgid "Thank you for contacting us" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:156 msgid "Redirect url" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:157 msgid "Using this option you can redirect the user after the form is succesfully submitted" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:166 msgid "Show Captcha" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:167 msgid "Select yes if you want to add a Xaptcha field." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:176 msgid "Captcha language" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:177 msgid "Enter the desired Captcha language code ( you can get it from here )" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:192 msgid "Add your own, custom fields:" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:193 msgid "Here you can create your contact form fields" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:200 msgid "Field name" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:201 msgid "Please enter a name for this field" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:206 msgid "Field type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:207 msgid "Please select the field type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:211 msgid "Textarea" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:212 msgid "Select" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:213 msgid "Radio" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:214 msgid "Checkbox" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:215 msgid "Plain text (accepts HTML)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:216 msgid "Datepicker & TimePicker" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:221 msgid "Field validation" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:222 msgid "Please select the field validation" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:226 msgid "No validation" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:227 msgid "Value not empty" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:228 msgid "Value is Email" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:229 msgid "Value is numeric" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:244 msgid "Select/Radio option" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:245 msgid "Please add your values for the select/radio option type in the following format : value:option name, value2:option name 2. For example \"house:House, car:Car, piano:Piano\"" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:254 msgid "Allow multiple select?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:255 msgid "Enable if you want the the user to select multiple options." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:267 msgid "Radio Options Inline?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:268 msgid "Enable if you want the radio options to appear inline, rather than blocks." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:281 msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:282 msgid "Please enter the placeholder value for this field" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:291 msgid "Datepicker Language" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:292 msgid "Please select a datepicker language if needed. Needs page refresh!" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:302 msgid "Date format" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:303 msgid "Enter your desired date format. More info about formatting the date can be found" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:303 msgid "here" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:315 msgid "Enable TimePicker?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:316 msgid "Do you want this datepicker field to display a time picker field as well?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:327 msgid "Timepicker Label text" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:328 msgid "Please add the label value for the timepicker field" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:330 msgid "PICK TIME" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:338 msgid "Field width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:339 msgid "Please select the field width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:343 msgid "Three-Quarters width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:344 msgid "Two-Thirds width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:345 msgid "Half width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:346 msgid "One-Third width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:347 msgid "One-Quarter width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:348 msgid "One-Sixth width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:366 msgid "Style Options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:371 msgid "Form Options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:372 msgid "These are options to customize the form inputs." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:379 msgid "Labels or Placeholders?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:380 msgid "Choose what to display, " msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:383 msgid "Labels" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:383 msgid "Placeholders" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:383 msgid "Both" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:388 msgid "Gutter Size (Distance)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:389 msgid "Select the gutter distance between inputs" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:393 msgid "Default (20px)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:394 msgid "Extra Small (5px)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:395 msgid "Small (15px)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:396 msgid "Medium (30px)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:397 msgid "Large (50px)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:398 msgid "No distance - 0px" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:408 msgid "Send Button Options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:409 msgid "These are options to customize the send button style." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:416 msgid "Submit button label" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:417 msgid "Enter a text for the submit button label." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:418, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:743 msgid "Send message" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:424 msgid "Send button style" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:437 msgid "Button Width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:456 msgid "Size" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:466 msgid "Extra small" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:505 msgid "Button Alignment" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:506 msgid "Select the alignment" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:523 msgid "Labels Text Options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:524 msgid "Specify the typography properties for the labels." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:543 msgid "Show send me a copy" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:544 msgid "Select yes if you want to allow users to send a copy of the message to themselves. This requires you to set the email field to have the \"is email\" validation type." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:552 msgid "Enable debugging?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:553 msgid "If you have problems with the contact form, this option will help debug the problem by showing some errors into the response field." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:603 msgid "Please configure the element options and add your contact fields." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:629 msgid "DEBUG IS ENABLED! Debug mode is only for development mode and shouldn't be enabled in production mode." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:671 msgid "Send me a copy" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:700 msgid "New Contact Form submission" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:708, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:722 msgid "There was a problem submitting your message. Please try again." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:760 msgid "Please complete the Captcha validation" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:982 msgid "Please enter the reCaptcha public and private keys inside the admin panel!" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1098, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1101, inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1108 msgid "An error occurred. Please try again in a few moments." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1120 msgid "The secret parameter is missing." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1124 msgid "The secret parameter is invalid or malformed." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1128 msgid "Please complete the captcha validation" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1132 msgid "The response parameter is invalid or malformed." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1139 msgid "Error: ReCaptcha is not properly configured." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1308 msgid "Contact Form" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/contact_form/contact_form.php:1309 msgid "This element will generate a contact form." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/custom_html/custom_html.php:46, inc/modules/custom_html/custom_html.php:69 msgid "Custom HTML" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/custom_html/custom_html.php:47 msgid "Using this option you can enter you own custom HTML code. If you plan on adding CSS or JavaScript, wrap the codes into <style type=\"text/css\">...</style> respectively <script>...</script> . Please make sure your JS code is fully functional as it might break the entire page!!" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/custom_html/custom_html.php:70 msgid "This element will render HTML code specified by the user." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:37 msgid "Google Maps Api Key (Mandatory!)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:38 msgid "Add a Google Map Api Key. More on Google Maps Key" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:47 msgid "Locations" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:48 msgid "Here you can add your map locations." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:51 msgid "Map Location" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:54, inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:248 msgid "Marker Latitude" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:55, inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:249 msgid "Please enter the latitude value for your location. Here's 2 links where you can get the coordinates LatLong.net or iTouchMap.com" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:61, inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:257 msgid "Marker Longitude" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:62, inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:258 msgid "Please enter the longitude value for your location. Here's 2 links where you can get the coordinates LatLong.net or iTouchMap.com" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:68 msgid "Marker tooltip" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:69 msgid "Add a text that will appear when the user clicks on the marker." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:74 msgid "Marker location icon" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:75 msgid "Select an icon that will appear as your current location. The default icon will be used if this is left blank." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:82 msgid "Marker animation" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:83 msgid "Select an animation that the icon will use." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:87 msgid "Drop" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:87 msgid "Bounce" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:90 msgid "Icon size" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:91 msgid "Select the size of the marker icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:100 msgid "Zoom level" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:101 msgid "Select the start zoom level you want to use for this map ( default is 14 )" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:109 msgid "Map Type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:110 msgid "Select the desired map type you want to use." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:115 msgid "Roadmap" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:116 msgid "Satellite" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:117 msgid "Terrain" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:118 msgid "Hybrid" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:123 msgid "Add directions box" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:124 msgid "Select if you want to add a textbox in which the user can enter a departure location and get directions to the office location (first one if there are more than one)." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:131 msgid "Directions box text" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:132 msgid "Please enter the direction box text you want to use." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:134, inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:335 msgid "Visit us from..." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:140 msgid "Directions box position" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:141 msgid "Please select the direction box's position." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:146, inc/modules/section/section.php:702 msgid "Top Left" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:147 msgid "Middle Left" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:148, inc/modules/section/section.php:708 msgid "Bottom Left" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:149, inc/modules/section/section.php:704 msgid "Top Right" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:150 msgid "Middle Right" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:151, inc/modules/section/section.php:710 msgid "Bottom Right" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:152, inc/modules/section/section.php:703 msgid "Top Center" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:153, inc/modules/section/section.php:709 msgid "Bottom Center" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:160 msgid "Show overview map" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:161 msgid "Select if you wish to add the overview map option" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:168 msgid "Show street view" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:169 msgid "Select if you wish to add the street view option" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:176 msgid "Show map type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:177 msgid "Select if you wish to add the map type option" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:190 msgid "Map Height" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:191 msgid "Please select value in pixels for the map height.
*TIP: Use 100vh to have a full-height element." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:211 msgid "Map custom style" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:212 msgid "Use a custom map style. You can get custom styles from %s" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:219 msgid "Normal map style" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:220, inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:228 msgid "Paste your custom style here (Javascript style array). You can get custom styles from %s" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:227 msgid "Active map style (when a popup is visible)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:240 msgid "Custom center point" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:241 msgid "You might want to have the center point of the map onto the a side. Therefore you can custom center the map to show all markers." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:266 msgid "Allow Mousewheel" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:267 msgid "Select if you want to allow map zooming using the mouse scroll (may interfere with page scroll)." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:274 msgid "Map localization" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:275 msgid "Force the map localization to a specific language" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:279 msgid "Use browser language" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:302 msgid "Please configure the element options and add at least one location." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:308 msgid "Please add a Google Maps API Key." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:310 msgid "Generate one here" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:455 msgid "Google Map" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/google_map/google_map.php:456 msgid "This element will render a Google Map." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:16 msgid "Title Text" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:17 msgid "Add the title. Shortcodes and HTML code are allowed." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:19 msgid "Hello World!" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:24 msgid "Title Heading Type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:25 msgid "Select a title heading. The title will be wrapped in this tag." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:37 msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:42 msgid "Add Link" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:43 msgid "Add a link to this heading." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:67, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:81, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:91, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:101 msgid "Title settings" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:68, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:82, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:92, inc/modules/heading/heading.php:102 msgid "Specify the typography properties for the title." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:111 msgid "Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:112 msgid "Choose the text color." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:136 msgid "Hover Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:137 msgid "Choose the Hover Color. Will work only if linked!!" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:149 msgid "Spacing settings" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:261 msgid "Heading" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/heading/heading.php:262 msgid "This element will generate a heading element." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:168 msgid "Icon Type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:169 msgid "Type of the icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:174 msgid "Font Icon" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:180 msgid "Image Icon" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:181 msgid "Upload an Icon Image." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:189, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:39 msgid "Select Icon" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:190, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:40 msgid "Select an icon to display." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:200, inc/modules/image/image.php:128, inc/modules/image/image.php:133 msgid "Custom URL" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:201, inc/modules/image/image.php:134 msgid "Choose a custom URL" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:225, inc/modules/image/image.php:48 msgid "Choose the image's alignment." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:236, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:255, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:269, inc/modules/icon/icon.php:283, inc/modules/image/image.php:59, inc/modules/image/image.php:78, inc/modules/image/image.php:92, inc/modules/image/image.php:106 msgid "Select the image alignment." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:254, inc/modules/image/image.php:77, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:120 msgid "Alignment (Tablets)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:268, inc/modules/image/image.php:91, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:134 msgid "Alignment (Small tablets)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:282, inc/modules/image/image.php:105, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:148 msgid "Alignment (Smartphones)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:298 msgid "Colors" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:306, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:188, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:195 msgid "Icon Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:307, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:137, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:189 msgid "Color of the icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:322, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:202 msgid "Icon Hover Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:323, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:145, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:203 msgid "Hover Color of the icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:332, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:210, inc/modules/section/section.php:311 msgid "Background Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:333, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:153, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:211 msgid "The icon's background color on normal state." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:346, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:160, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:224 msgid "Background Hover Color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:347, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:161, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:225 msgid "The icon's background color on hover." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:355 msgid "Sizing" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:363, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:241 msgid "Icon Size" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:364, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:242 msgid "Select the size of the icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:384, inc/modules/image/image.php:29, inc/modules/section/section.php:687 msgid "Image Size" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:385 msgid "Select the size of the image." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:405, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:260 msgid "Icon Padding" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:406, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:261 msgid "Select the padding of the icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:425 msgid "Styling" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:433, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:287 msgid "Add Border" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:434, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:288 msgid "Enable if you want to add a border around the icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:446, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:300, inc/modules/image/image.php:234, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:92 msgid "Border Radius" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:447, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:301 msgid "Choose the corner roundness of the icon. Only works if there is a background color or border." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:466, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:319 msgid "Icon Opacity" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:467, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:320 msgid "Select the opacity of the icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:486, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:339 msgid "Misc. options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:494, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:347 msgid "Force equal dimensions" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:495, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:348 msgid "Enable if you want to force the icon's width and height to be equal (eg: perfect circle, perfect square)." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:507 msgid "Add Floating Animation" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:508 msgid "Enable this if you want to apply a floating up and down animation." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:548, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:185 msgid "Icon" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon/icon.php:549 msgid "This element will display an icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:21 msgid "List Layout" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:22 msgid "Select the list's layout." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:27 msgid "Vertical." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:28 msgid "Horizontal." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:39 msgid "Select the list alignment." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:47 msgid "Justify" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:57 msgid "Items Distance" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:58 msgid "Select the distance between items." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:98 msgid "List Items" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:99 msgid "Add List Items." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:103, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:104 msgid "List Item" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:110 msgid "List item text" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:111 msgid "Here you can add text. Please know it also accepts HTML code." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:117 msgid "List item link" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:118 msgid "Wrap the list item into a custom link. If this field is left blank, the item will not be linked." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:127 msgid "Select your desired icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:136 msgid "Icon Color (Custom)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:144 msgid "Icon Hover Color (Custom)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:152 msgid "Background Color (Custom)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:180 msgid "Icon Colors" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:233 msgid "Icon Sizing" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:279 msgid "Icon Decorations" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:367 msgid "List items typography" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:368 msgid "Specify the typography properties for the list items." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:426, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:429, inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:432 msgid "List item" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:607 msgid "IconList" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/icon_list/icon_list.php:608 msgid "Create a vertical or horizontal list with icons." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:17 msgid "GENERAL" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:22 msgid "Please select an image that will appear above the title." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:30, inc/modules/section/section.php:688 msgid "Choose the image's size" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:38 msgid "Image Resize" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:39 msgid "Resize the image with your custom desired dimensions. Keep in mind that you can add a width AND | OR height, in order to maintain the aspect ration of the image." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:120 msgid "Link To" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:121 msgid "Select the link type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:151, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:70, inc/modules/video/video.php:236 msgid "Size (Max-Width)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:152 msgid "Customize the size of this image." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:235, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:93 msgid "Customize the border radius (corner roundness)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:248 msgid "Hover Animation" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:249 msgid "Choose a hover animation." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:254 msgid "None." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:255 msgid "Fade In." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:256 msgid "Fade Out." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:257 msgid "Zoom In." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:258 msgid "Zoom Out." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:263, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:105 msgid "Image Shadow" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:264, inc/modules/section/section.php:578, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:106 msgid "Please select a shadow style." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:268, inc/modules/image/image.php:290, inc/modules/section/section.php:582, inc/modules/section/section.php:604, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:110, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:132 msgid "No shadow" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:269, inc/modules/image/image.php:291, inc/modules/section/section.php:583, inc/modules/section/section.php:605, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:111, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:133 msgid "Shadow 1x" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:270, inc/modules/image/image.php:292, inc/modules/section/section.php:584, inc/modules/section/section.php:606, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:112, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:134 msgid "Shadow 2x" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:271, inc/modules/image/image.php:293, inc/modules/section/section.php:585, inc/modules/section/section.php:607, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:113, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:135 msgid "Shadow 3x" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:272, inc/modules/image/image.php:294, inc/modules/section/section.php:586, inc/modules/section/section.php:608, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:114, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:136 msgid "Shadow 4x" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:273, inc/modules/image/image.php:295, inc/modules/section/section.php:587, inc/modules/section/section.php:609, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:115, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:137 msgid "Shadow 5x" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:274, inc/modules/image/image.php:296, inc/modules/section/section.php:588, inc/modules/section/section.php:610, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:116, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:138 msgid "Shadow 6x" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:285, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:127 msgid "Image Shadow - Hover" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:286, inc/modules/section/section.php:600, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:128 msgid "Please select a shadow style for hover state." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/image/image.php:556 msgid "This element will display an image." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/revolution_slider/revolution_slider.php:110 msgid "Revolution slider" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/revolution_slider/revolution_slider.php:111 msgid "This element will display a Revolution Slider." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:20 msgid "Select the desired size type for this section." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:24 msgid "Container Width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:25 msgid "Full Width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:26 msgid "Custom Width (px)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:27 msgid "Custom Width Percentage (%)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:46 msgid "Custom Width" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:47, inc/modules/section/section.php:66 msgid "Choose the desired width for the section's container." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:65 msgid "Custom Width ( in Percentage %)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:84 msgid "Side Padding" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:85 msgid "Disable this option if you want to hide the container's side padding." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:97 msgid "Height Type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:98 msgid "Select the desired height for this section." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:102 msgid "Auto" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:103, inc/modules/section/section.php:114 msgid "Custom Height" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:115 msgid "Choose the desired height for this section. You can choose either height or min-height as a property. Height will force a fixed size rather than just a minimum.
*TIP: Use 100vh to have a full-height element." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:136 msgid "Vertical Align" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:141 msgid "Top" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:142 msgid "Middle" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:143 msgid "Bottom" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:155 msgid "Gutter Size (Gaps)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:156, inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:158 msgid "Select the gutter distance between columns" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:187, inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:128 msgid "This will enable you to have more control over the padding of the container on each device. Click to see how box-model works." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:353 msgid "Enable Scrolling Parallax effect" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:354 msgid "Select if you want to enable parallax scrolling effect on background image." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:554 msgid "You can use a tool such as %s to generate a unique custom gradient. Here's a quick video explainer %s how to generate and paste the code here" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:562 msgid "Gloss Overlay" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:563 msgid "Display a gloss over the background" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:571 msgid "Other Options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:577 msgid "Shadow" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:599 msgid "Shadow Hover" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:633 msgid "Z-Index Stack Order" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:634 msgid "Please select a z-index order in layer." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:653 msgid "Section Layers" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:659 msgid "Parallax Layers" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:660 msgid "Here you can add your desired layers." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:664, inc/modules/section/section.php:665 msgid "Layer" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:671 msgid "Layer Title" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:672 msgid "Add a title for this layer. Optional, not visible." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:679 msgid "Layer Image" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:680 msgid "Choose an image." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:696 msgid "Start Position" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:697 msgid "Choose the starting point on the X/Y axis of the section." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:705 msgid "Center Left" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:707 msgid "Center Right" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:720 msgid "Margins" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:721 msgid "Position the layer using margins." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:734 msgid "Blur Effect" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:735 msgid "Select if you want to add a blurring effect. Works only in browsers supporting CSS Filters." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:741 msgid "Simple Blur" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:742 msgid "Deep Blur" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:743 msgid "Deeper Blur (3x)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:798, inc/modules/section/section.php:804 msgid "Over Container" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:799 msgid "Enable if you want to display this layer over the section's container." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:805 msgid "Behind Container" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:815 msgid "Hide on Breakpoints" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:816 msgid "Choose to hide this layer on either desktop, mobile or tablets." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:1057 msgid "Section" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/section/section.php:1058 msgid "This element will generate a section in which you can add elements" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:18 msgid "Separator color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:19 msgid "Select the color for separator line." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:41 msgid "Separator height" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:42 msgid "Select the separator line height (in pixels)." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:71 msgid "Customize the size of this separator." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:90 msgid "Separator Alignment" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:91 msgid "Choose the separator's alignment." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:102, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:121, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:135, inc/modules/separator/separator.php:149 msgid "Select the separator alignment." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:172 msgid "Add Icon?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:173 msgid "Choose if you want to add an icon in the center of the separator." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:186 msgid "Add icon." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:196 msgid "Select icon color." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:212 msgid "Select the icon size in px." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:349 msgid "Separator" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/separator/separator.php:350 msgid "This element will generate a separator line with various styles." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/sidebar/sidebar.php:65 msgid "Select sidebar" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/sidebar/sidebar.php:66 msgid "Select your desired sidebar to be used on this post" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/sidebar/sidebar.php:90 msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/sidebar/sidebar.php:91 msgid "This element will display a sidebar." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_area/smart_area.php:28 msgid "Select Pagebuilder Template" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_area/smart_area.php:29 msgid "Using this option you can select a pre-built Smart Area created in Admin > Page Builder Smart Areas." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_area/smart_area.php:79 msgid "This element will display a Smart Area." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:11 msgid "Style options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:16 msgid "Background color" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:17 msgid "Here you can choose a custom background color for this container." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:31 msgid "Background image" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:145 msgid "Spacing options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:157 msgid "Gutter Size" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:319 msgid "Smart Container" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/smart_container/smart_container.php:320 msgid "This element will generate a smart custom container in which you can add elements." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/spacer/spacer.php:22 msgid "Spacer Height" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/spacer/spacer.php:23 msgid "Choose the desired height for this element." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/spacer/spacer.php:91 msgid "Spacer" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/spacer/spacer.php:92 msgid "This element will generate a transparent spacer." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:13, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:258 msgid "Tabs" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:14 msgid "Here you can add your desired tabs." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:18, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:19 msgid "Tab" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:24 msgid "Tab Title" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:25, inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:32 msgid "Please enter the desired title that will appear as tab." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:31 msgid "Display Icon?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:59 msgid "Tab Buttons Alignment" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:60 msgid "Please select an alignment for the Tab Buttons" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:68 msgid "Justified" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/tabs/tabs.php:259 msgid "This element will generate group of tabs." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:109 msgid "Please enter the box content.
** If you plan on pasting a shortcode, please make sure to add it in Text Mode of the editor." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:246 msgid "Text Box" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/text_box/text_box.php:247 msgid "Create and display a Text Box element" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:21 msgid "Video Source Type" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:22 msgid "Select the type of video source." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:27 msgid "Youtube" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:28 msgid "Vimeo" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:29 msgid "Self hosted video (Clean browser player)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:30 msgid "Self hosted video (MediaElement Player)" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:31 msgid "Other External Source" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:36 msgid "Video URL" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:37 msgid "Please enter a link to your desired video ( Youtube, Vimeo or other )." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:89 msgid "Enable autoplay for video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:103 msgid "Enable looping the video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:116 msgid "Video controls" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:117 msgid "Enable video controls?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:133 msgid "Youtube Video - Modest branding" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:134 msgid "Display modest branding for Youtube video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:147 msgid "Youtube Video - Autohide branding" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:148 msgid "Autohide branding for Youtube video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:160 msgid "Youtube Video - Show Info" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:161 msgid "Hide various info for the youtube video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:173 msgid "Youtube Video - Hide Related" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:174 msgid "Hide related videos on the video ending?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:190 msgid "Vimeo Video - Hide title" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:191 msgid "Hide title for Vimeo video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:203 msgid "Vimeo Video - Hide Video uploader" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:204 msgid "Hide video uploader (author) for Vimeo video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:216 msgid "Vimeo Video - Hide Avatar" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:217 msgid "Hide uploader avatar for Vimeo video?" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:237 msgid "Customize the size of this video." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:415 msgid "Video" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/video/video.php:416 msgid "Video player or Image triggering a modal window with a Youtube or Vimeo video." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/widget/options.php:24 msgid "Widget Options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/widget/options.php:43, inc/modules/widget/widget.php:87 msgctxt "%s stands for widget slug." msgid "%s does not exists." msgstr "" #: inc/modules/widget/options.php:46 msgid "There was a problem getting the widget options" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/widget/widget.php:97 msgid "Widget" msgstr "" #: inc/modules/widget/widget.php:98 msgid "This element will display a WordPress widget." msgstr ""